A dive into the recently discovered character lore on Blinx and Aniki (previously nicknamed the ‘Technician’). On the 27th of December, 2002, Famitsu, a major Japanese video game magazine known for delivering exclusive news, released an issue that contained a mini guide book for Blinx: The Time Sweeper as part of the Hi-Complete Bible series (vol. 33 in this case). The guide book contained exclusive information on the characters, information on the game's mechanics and a walkthrough for the first two rounds. I previously had no interest in this guide but after I was prompted to look into it, I requested for photos of the guide from the seller on eBay. After I received the photos, I prompted bought the magazine and now we're here. Most of the magazine was stuff that's found in other guide books but the characters page had some exclusive information which I have summarised and discussed below. BlinxBirthday: 12 Dec Birthplace: Time Factory Species: Time fairy Blinx was born in the Time Factory itself on the 12th of December, the same date Blinx: The Time Sweeper was released in Japan. The game was first released on the 7th of October in the US so this makes things a bit more complicated. Since he was born in the place he works at, you could assume that the Time Factory is an established society. Blinx’s birth parents were likely to be working in the Time Factory as well. As for his species, it probably shouldn’t be literally taken to mean that Blinx is a magical time fairy cat. Naoto Ohshima tends to use the term 'fairy' to describe his anthropomorphic characters. For example, he refers to Sonic as a 'hedgehog-like fairy'. The word for fairy is ‘yōsei’ or ‘yousei’, creatures that are innocent, playful, fairly intelligent and can learn the human spoken language. ‘Time fairy’ seems to imply that time itself is linked to the cats' existence, but there’s no other material to further explore this, except maybe the cat gods and their technology as depicted in the Destiny Ruins. Regardless, the Time Sweepers are anthropomorphic cats so there’s no debate there. Personality Assessment Strong curiosity: Yes A show-off: No Okay with heights: Yes Strong sense of justice: Yes Considerate: Yes Perseverant: Yes Easily bored: No Clumsy: Yes Weak for girls: Yes Trusts instincts: Yes An extension of the WthBW! DVD’s contents. Aniki“Team leader that Blinx defers to. A cool, collected, and reliable being. Thinks of himself as Blinx’s older brother.” The name of Blinx’s childhood friend was finally uncovered to be Aniki, a Japanese honourable term for an older brother or a superior. While saying or writing his name makes me feel like a complete weeb, it’s a fitting name. Fitting the Big Brother Mentor trope, he is Blinx’s team leader, reliable and not afraid to rebuke Blinx if he goes against orders. It’s possible that he’s older than Blinx but that’s up to you. Additionally, there were teams before MOTAS. There would have to be two other Time Sweepers who were also members of Aniki and Blinx’s team. By the events of MOTAS, Blinx had his own team, and Aniki still led Blinx and his friends to some degree. And that's the summary of all the information that I found to be significant additions to the Blinx canon. The real name of 'the Technician' is personally the most important for me, having not known his name for over a decade. I already guessed that his connection to Blinx was as both as his superior and a close friend but it's nice to have it confirmed.
All relevant fansite pages have been updated in light on this information. Blinx Aniki Time Sweepers Time Factory Teams And you can download the guide here. Stick around in case I get uncovered more Blinx lore in the future!
If you do not know of the WELCOME to the BLiNX WORLD!! DVD yet, read this blog first. Many thanks to Somnax for the translations as usual. Additional notes come from Somnax and myself (catgirl140). Time Factory, 26:00 "Time" is made in the Time Factory in another world. It monitors the flow of time it sends, and if there's a problem, it's their duty to go to that world and fix the time flow. The infomation pertaining to the location of the Time Factory is as helpful as always, better than "somewhere". In Blinx: The Time Sweeper, time is created in the Time Factory but in Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space, the Goddesses create time. It remains as one of the biggest inconsistencies in Blinx canon. Time Sweepers, 26:10 There are workers called Time Sweepers at the Time Factory, who travel to every world and collect time crystals. With their sweepers, they collect time crystals in other worlds every day. Guess you could say that Time Sweepers are working around the clock. Of note is that the word used for "they" is usually used to refer exclusively to males. Blinx, 26:30 Blinx is a Time Sweeper in training. Based on the power of the time crystals he's collected, he hasn't been one for long, but he's proficient in manipulating time. He's not worried about whether he'll move up further in the ranks, but he has some misgivings about his work and wants to become a fully fledged Sweeper soon. It appears that Blinx was still in training at the time of the World B1Q64 incident. This is also supported in the JPN TTS manual where Blinx comments "gotta remember this for the exam". The most interesting characterisation here is that Blinx seems to have had some doubts about his abilities as a Time Sweeper. Personality, 26:40 When he sees someone in need, he has to help them. He's a bit clumsy, and others see him as laid back. However, he's actually very strong-willed and won't give up when he sets his sights on something. Has a positive personality. Quick to forget about things that bother him. Acts on his instincts. The section delves into parts of Blinx's personality, some traits not evident in-game. His clunsiness and laid back nature could be expanded into his relationships with his superiors and peers during training. Likes and Dislikes, 27:00 Likes people who use time wisely. Doesn't like people who waste it. Likes cold milk and cat powder [basically Eastern analogue to catnip] cookies. Hates cold places as much as death itself. Skilled in football/soccer juggling. Likes comedy movies. Doesn't like violent stuff.
Lena, 27:20 A princess living in World B1Q64 that is a species similar to our own. Taken hostage by the Tom Tom Gang. As of now, there is still no mention of Princess Lena or the inhabitants of World B1Q64 actually being human. Tom Tom Gang, 27:30 A group of time thieves that travels across many worlds. They sneakily plunder naturally produced time crystals, and sell them to people in other worlds. But... this time...!? Interesting that it specifies that they don't normally break time themselves, and it actually says that they sell the time crystals to people (not just "worlds"), though it seems like B1Q64 and 5J7A are cases of them deliberately breaking time instead, leading to all the chaos. Catherine, 27:40 A girl that attracts visitors to the shop with her looks. Works the store as a part-time job. Gives helpful advice in the shop. A bit strong-willed, but has a feminine sense to care for others. Always gives Blinx support. Well, they're certainly upfront about her looks, for one. Also seems to imply she already knows Blinx (which you might have taken as implied by her referring to Blinx by name in Round 9 anyways). Her job being part time falls in line with existing implied canon of her becoming a full-fledged nurse by MOTAS. Time monsters, 27:50 Time monsters evolve from time crystals. Not only do they attack anyone that comes near, but if they're not dealt with, they'll continue to absorb time energy, and finally explode, destroying the world. Nice to have have the specifics. The opening clipTime
It... is the same for everyone, it can't be defied, it's bestowed upon all by nature. What if... you could... manipulate it however you wished? Blinx; Time Sweeper in training One weapon; a sweeper Jump! Pounce! Sweep! Defeat monsters! Villains that are after time crystals Happy times are being snatched away Corrupted time running amok A world will end... Being able to save it... They courage that anyone must have Naoto Oshima and art director Toshihiko Masuda recently posted cutscene storyboards for Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space on Twitter (on the 17th and 18th of October respectively). Pleasently surprised that fans are being blessed with Blinx content even after the surge in content in 2017. All the storyboards were drawn by Masuda. Upon translating the storyboads of the Time Goddesses, we can confirm that they are indeed based off the Norns in Norse mythology. Urðr spins time, Verðandi measures it, and Skuld cuts it. Sources |
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April 2023