in: Gameplay and Lore
Teams are organised units of four or more members. Traditionally, teams have four members, though some exceptions exist (such as Blinx's team with eight members). Sweepers may operate individually or in teams often named after their leaders (wearing an arm band with the team emblem). A team of Sweepers must be organized and registered prior to any of its members taking the exam, resulting in all members having graduated together, though members may leave or join a given team after graduation as well.
Teams were introduced in Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space and have a prominent place in gameplay and events that occured during the Big Crystal incident. While the Time Sweeper and Tom Tom protagonists usually operated alone, some missions had the protagonist's team fighting against another team from the enemy side. In co-op, Player 2 would play as the second team member of the respective team. Teams were a part of the Time Factory's organisation structure prior to MOTAS (as stated in the Hi-Complete Bible). Blinx was a member of Aniki's team during his training days, implying that a Time Sweeper does not have to graduate in order to join a team. |
All members of a team wear uniforms of the same design (typically the same uniform as the leader's) with the team emblem on the back of the jacket. The custom-designed flag also contains the team's emblem. Leader may wear an armband with the emblem on their left arm.
Team MembersLeaderIn team battles, the leader can change the strategy of the team to prioristise attacking, recovering health, following the leader or waiting in place.
MembersTeams have a total of four members (with exceptions including Team Blinx). The team members and the leader can be sent out to defeat enemies or complete some other task. These Time Sweepers assumably work solely otherwise.
Backup MembersBackup members are a set of Time Sweepers/Tom Toms that are considered inactive members of the player’s team. A maximum of 16 backup members can be registered on a team until they are swapped into one of the three active positions or dismissed. They can reappear in the future to be registered into the team again.
Registering your Team
Teams can be organised and registered on before taking the graduation exam and assumably after. There must be (at least) four members to register a team.
Canon Teams
- Aniki's team. Blinx was a member during his Sweeper training.
- Team Blinx, led by Blinx. Sent to the Ruins of Time. Later found a portal to the Destiny Ruins where they were defeated by the Tom Tom protagonst's team.
- Picaro's team.
- Team Chron, led by Chron. Sent to World Woodstone where he found a stone tablet that describes the end of the universe.
- Team NecoJi, led by NecoJi. Successfully retrieved a Big Crystal fragment from Team Pigtail in the Ever Snow World.
- Team Pelon, led by Pelon. Sent to the Dark Valley world. They later travelled to the Sky World where they got defeated by the Giant Benito.
- Team Pigtail, led by Matteo. Sent to the Ever Snow World to search for the Big Crystal. They managed to get a fragment but was shortly stolen by Team NecoJi.
- Team Lone Pig, led by Caio. Sent to the Dark Valley.
- Team Eat or Die, led by Nino. Sent to the Destiny Ruins.
Default Team Names
Time Sweeper Team Names (15):
Tom-Tom Team Names (17):
- Teams were originally refered to as Sorties (a military unit) during development.
Last updated on 15 Mar 2020