Forge of Hours
Forge of Hours, also known as Future Fire, is an area of World B1Q64 and Round 8 in Blinx: The Time Sweeper.
DescriptionかつてB1Q64世界で最大の鉄の精錬所といわれた建。当時の活気は身を潜め、歪んだ時のなかで自動機械が不思議な金属を精錬しつづけている。通路なども熱け落ち、溶岩の流れる灼熱の世界と化してしまった。 While functional, the Forge of Hours is the largest iron refinery in World B1Q64. Though the area is normally habitable (presumably for those that work in the forge), the effects of time distortion during the World B1Q64 incident rid the refinery temporarily of its occupants and sent the machinery into a state of forming abnormal metals without direction as its temperature rose to levels uncomfortably high for Blinx during his visit. This was accompanied by the flooding of many areas with lava, resulting in an extremely hazardous environment which could only be navigated by traversing moving machinery.
EnemiesTime Monsters
BG Music |
- The Forge of Hours is the only round that not only doesn't introduce any new enemies, but also doesn't introduce any new bosses.
Further Reading
Last updated on 27 Nov 2017