Everwinter is an area of World B1Q64 and Round 7 in Blinx: The Time Sweeper.
Description舞台となるのはB1Q64最北の地。氷に閉ざされた世界だ。極北で漁をする人の姿も消え、残されたのは海底油田の採掘施設のみ。寒さが苦手なブリンクスだが、時間を正すためには避けて通れない。 As the northernmost region of World B1Q64, Everwinter is in a perpetual state of extreme cold and near-total encasement in ice. Under normal circumstances, it's inhabited by fishermen and the region's undersea oil fields are drilled into with the machinery littered about the area, though the distortion of time during the World B1Q64 incident left the region barren aside from its machinery until the people were restored. Snowmen and slides covered in snow are also sparsely interspersed throughout. Everwinter's land masses are not entirely stable, sometimes shifting back and forth periodically and crumbling outright at other times, posing a danger for travellers that may fall into its waters at freezing temperatures. Despite being covered in both a jacket and fur, Blinx experienced discomfort from the cold while clearing the area of time monsters.
EnemiesTime Monsters
BG Music |
Further Reading
Last updated on 4 Mar 2017